Sunday, September 5, 2010

Brands Hatch Thundersports GB meeting

This meeting was a 2 and a half day affair meaning the Sat afternoon was qualifying with racing Sun and Mon, they also had a test morning on the Sat so as it was my first outing on the CB I entered the morning sessions. I thought I was going well but when I was told I was only doing 1'04" I knew I had a mountain to climb. I tried a few things in the remaining sessions but I was still very slow.
Qualifying in the afternnon was no different and I found myself qualifying on the back of the grid behind Ash Norrington, this would be Ash's first time on a CB too but he was getting along better than me.
Sunday morning dawned and luckily the weather was dry, we were called for the race and for the first time in over 3 years I was greeted by over 30 bikes in the the assembly area, Supermonos had not had this amount of starters since the BSB round in 2006. I got a reasonable start but was dead last going into the first corner, and thats where I stayed, I was lapped on about the 10 lap and managed to stay out of their way. I finished the race at least and things could only get better. The second race was going to be run in the wet as there was a downpour about 30 minutes before the start. Again I got a reasonable start and slowly increased my lap times as the race progressed and was surprised when I passed another rider with 2 laps to go meaning I finished the race second from last.
Monday morning I awoke to bright sunshine and no clouds, the wets were removed and the dry wheels put back in, but I found that the front disc had warped big time, a quick change of disc and I was ready to roll. I bogged down on the start and was well behind at the first corner, as I approached Druids there were a couple of bikes lying on the track but only yellow flags were waved, but when I arrived there on the second lap there was carnage, at least 4 bikes were down and at least 2 riders were receiving medical attention so the race was stopped. It turns out two bikes came together on the first lap and one of the bikes left a trail of oil going into Druids, then on the next lap the leaders got through but 5th place onwards fell on the oil causing a domino effect, Adam Carter came off worse with a broken femur and arm, get well some Adam. The re run would be over 7 laps so by rights I should finish on the same lap as the winner which I did, well pleased but not forgetting the injured riders. The last race was back to normal, bad start and came last!! Dont get me wrong though I thoroughly enjoyed the weekends racing and Im not disallusioned at all about my performance, I know I can get better just need to switch of my self preservation.

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